Since the human era familiar with simple technology to complicated
technology, has been a lot of experiments that have been done by humans
in finding new breakthroughs in various fields to facilitate the work of
man himself.The great work and dedication done by the inventors for the benefit of mankind, even beyond what we imagine. But, unfortunately not all end up as wanted by the inventor, and known to many people or at least recognized by many people.Even forgotten that its existence does not trace and disappear without
a trace to date, and here is a list of great discoveries lost without
traces:1.Tesla death rayThere are rumors circulating in the world of technology and weaponry that Nicola tesla
Tesla death rayIs a brilliant and mysterious scientist who holds about 300 patents.
Tesla death rayIs a brilliant and mysterious scientist who holds about 300 patents.
He has the design of a terrific weapon that is a laser cannon capable of shooting down enemy planes from a distance of 400 km more. But he died at the age of 86 years while still in the stage of perfection of this deadly weapon.
2.Sloot digital coding systemIn the past, data storage with 10 MB storage capability could be the size of a small suitcase weighing a dozen-Sloot digital coding systemTwenty kilograms. Compare with now, micro sd whose size is only the size of a nail can only dozens of Gigabyte and even hundreds of Gigabyte.
Do you know? We should now be able to use more sophisticated storage, if Romlo Sloot's sloot digital discovery system could be created.How come? The discovery of this Dutch scientist, in the early 1990s managed to compress a digital file of 10 Gigabyte to 8 kilobytes of size only, without reducing the quality of the file.However, when he started working with a philips company, Romke jan bernard sloot was found dead from a heart attack near his home garden, and it is unfortunate that the sloot's digital compression method has never been found to date.3.Starlite
Starlite is a glass material that can not be destroyed easily, starliteStarliteDiscovered in 1980 by Maurice ward, starlite will not be scratched in the slightest by the explosion of a nuclear bomb.
These chemicals form like plastic. But, composed of a complex material, a combination of 21 organic and slightly ceramic polymer materials, the test has been done is coating eggs with starlite and then burned with a temperature of 1200 ° C but not a slight blister.Uniquely starlite material is very light and can also be applied with a variety of forms either liquid, paste, or solid. Even Nasa was interested in his discovery and wanted to buy it, but it's unfortunate that maurice would not sell it until maurice died in 2011 without leaving or telling the secret of starlite making.4.ChronovisorUntil now the time machine is still debatable, but did you know that the time machine was invented in the 1950s by a vatican priest named Pelegrinno Ernetti.Its success makes the machine that can see the past like a TV and we can see past events even prehistoric through the glass screen and this machine is called Chronovisor.
Ernetti explained a little how this machine works, every creature or thing on earth must produce and contain an energy, energy power depends on the creature or object. The fluorescent energy and sounds of the emanated objects are recorded or left behind in the environment they once lived or they have passed and the function of the Chronovisor is to reconstruct the lagging energy visually displayed through the cathode machine.The law of conservation of energy is that energy can change from one form to another but can not be destroyed.5.Ogle CarburetorSurely you already know fuel injection technology is very complex to functionOgle CarburetorSave motor vehicle engine, but did you know in the year in 1970s this technology has ever been found by a mechanic named Tom Ogle. Although found decades ago, ogle engine technology is much more sophisticated than current fuel injection technology. Ogle fuel injection technology requires only 1 liter of fuel to travel 42km distance.But because this is bad news for oil entrepreneurs because their business will be threatened by the technology, then Ogle was offered millions of dollars as long as he did not develop and make machines like that again, but firmly Ogle refused.Until the end in 1981 Ogle was found dead with a bullet-pricked head, of course we can already conclude is not it? Who's the one who killed this great inventor.