Archeological sites Tapurarang in Kokas Fakfak - West Papua - Indonesia

Regency of Fak - Fak - West Papua - Indonesia

Archeological sites Tapurarang in Kokas
Cap Red Hand on Wall Climbing in Kokas (Tapurarang)
A. Overview

Papua indeed holds many mysteries. The island, located at the eastern tip of Indonesia's as if it did not stop emitting magical power that makes people curious to search for it. A wide variety of traditional rituals are still applied by the local tribes there seems still leaves the nuances of the occult, but interesting. Similarly, the relics of the pre-history, such as the one contained in Kokas district, Fak-Fak regency, West Papua Province, Indonesia. Fak-Fak regency itself is one of the centers of Islam in West Papua where most people have embraced Islam. In the district which has an area 38 474 km² and a population of as many as 50 584 inhabitants (2000 data) stands an old mosque in Kampung Patimburak, which are older than 200 years.

Natural Beauty Fak-Fak


Coke is like a living monument that still exist all the time. The area is to record and save a lot of relics of the past prehistoric times archipelago. One of the magical charm of the main attraction is the discovery of various cap Kokas red hand painted on stone walls in cliffs and caves are situated on the seafront. This archaeological tourist attraction known as the archaeological site of Coke or by the local community commonly called by the name of Tapurarang. Because the red color on the painting hand stamp on the cliff resembles the color of human blood, local communities are also often mentioned as painting hand stamp Tapurarang blood. Cap-hand stamp found in Kokas has similarities with some wall paintings such as those found in Sangkulirang (East Kutai, East Kalimantan) or in Gua Leangleang (Maros, South Sulawesi). In the district of Kokas, Tapurarang which is a relic of prehistoric wealth can be found in several places, among others in Andamata, Fior, Forir, Darembang, and Goras.

There is a myth that developed and trusted local communities about the origin of the existence of the painting with the blood-red hand prints on the Tapurarang archaeological sites. Indigenous people who live in Coke believes that cliff or cave into finding the location of Archeological Sites Tapurarang is a sacred place. They believe the paintings blood-red is a form people who are condemned by the ghost of a grandmother. The grandmother has been transformed into a demon or ghost kaborbor ruler of the seas, which is the most frightening specter. The grandmother died in the disaster that sank the boat she was traveling. Of all the passengers on the boat, only the grandmother died. That said, none of the passengers on the boat were trying to help the old woman to save themselves. Feeling hurt, spirits grandmother who has been turned into a demon kaborbor condemned the entire passenger boat that did not spare himself and is busy saving themselves by scrambling up on top of a rock cliff. As a result of the curse of the grandmother, all passengers and marine products which were taken immediately turned into a painting on the wall-climbing wall.

Archeological sites sacred Tapurarang


Citizens who inhabit Fak-Fak regency, especially the local population in the District of Kokas, very reluctant to open talks on ancient artifacts and relics of old, including providing more information at things Tapurarang archaeological sites. They dared not disclose to any person on relief painting palm stamped with the blood red color. For locals, uncovering an ancient relic that has been regarded as a mystery or a miracle as well as suicide. In other words, communicating or disclosing a taboo tantamount shorten life. The speakers are estimated to live at the time of the conclusion of paintings palms, or the arrival of Islam in Kokas, was gone. His successors did not dare to pass on the historical story to the children and grandchildren for fear of dying young. Myths like these are applicable for generations over the centuries. As a result, generation of coke population now has no idea at all about the various ancient relics in Kokas. This is the mystery that actually add value to the tourism and Kokas District Fak-Fak regency in general.

B. Features

Kokas District is presenting so many privileges. River water runs clear, mangrove forests are still virgin, large trees that shade, as well as hundreds of birds, from the types of herons, cockatoos, parrots, to paradise, still fly freely overhead. Not to mention the sea along with the ranks of coral islands which adds to the ambiance of nature Kokas. In addition to presenting the charm of nature and flora and fauna are awesome, Coke also offers prehistoric traces that can be used as a tourist destination that is no less enjoyable.

The uniqueness that adds to the mystique of archaeological sites Tapurarang in Kokas is painting a picture of human hands on the cliff wall made from natural ingredients and are still clearly visible despite centuries old. Paintings of red blood on the walls of the cliff with a height of about 20 meters above sea level that not only displays the motif palm of a human hand, but also other images such as fish bones, the shape of fish, fingers humans, cockroaches, scorpions, and a human skull. A strong suspicion that the surface of the sea in ancient times with the same panel of the cliff, so people can easily painted on the wall of the cliff. However, after experiencing the process for thousands of years, shrinking sea water so that the cliff it looked situated at altitude.

Nuance prehistoric travel we get in Kokas not only tangible blood paintings on the walls of the cliff alone. In the vicinity we can also find a number of human skulls were scattered around the coast, not far from the ancient site Tapurarang. Human skulls were believed to be the ancestor or ancestors framework Kokas society. In ancient times, people have a habit of putting bodies Kokas ancestors who died in the rock cliffs, caves, capes, or under large trees are considered sacred.

Human skull and skeleton Around Site Tapurarang


Archaeological site in the form of paintings of red blood turned out not only along the coast of coke, but also is found in the small islands in the vicinity. However, no single party has ever studied the meaning of the paintings reliefs. Not known also from century to how the painting was made, using what materials, as well as who made it. Some Dutch tourists who stop at Coke once said that the carvings and reliefs that resemble paintings Aborigines in Australia. There is also another version that says that the relief is similar to a number of reliefs in several museums in Paris, France.

If lucky, when it was high tide, you can go up to the cliff and the paintings stamped with the blood of the close. However, if the water is receding, the beauty of the cliff paintings can only be enjoyed from a boat or longboat. After enjoying the mysterious painting on the wall, you can unwind with panoramic sea and admire the beauty of the headland which is right in front of the cave you can see from one of the hills.

C. Location

Tourism history Tapurarang archaeological site is located in the Kokas district, Fak-Fak regency, West Papua Province, Indonesia. The distance between the center of Fak-Fak regency government (City Fak-Fak) and Kokas District about 50 kilometers.

D. access

Despite the distance between Kokas District of central government Fak-Fak regency relatively close, but to get to Kokas we have to go through that route is not easy to go through road and waterway. Road to connect Fak-Fak to Kokas district centers has been initiated since 1970, but until now has not been completed. After the road taken, the journey must continue by boat to get in Kokas. If interested and feel challenged to visit the archaeological site Tapurarang in Kokas, you can travel overland from the city of Fak-Fak to the District of Kokas with a time of four hours.

The first two hours, you have to undergo a travel route from the city of Fak-Fak towards Pier Ubadari. To get to Ubadari, you can ride a rental car, taxi, or transportation outside the city. If you choose to rent a car, you have to spend money of Rp 300,000 to go home from the City Fak-Fak to Ubadari and vice versa. However, when choosing to use a taxi service, you will only pay Rp 20,000, also to go home. If using public transport or transport outside the city, you are required to pay Rp 25,000 one-way from the City Terminal Fak-Fak purpose Ubadari Pier.

From Pier Ubadari, followed next two hours away by boat. You can take a long boat, public or can be rented, for Ubadari down the river toward Kokas. If used as a longboat ride public transportation, you just pay Rp 20,000 to go home. However, if you want to rent a long boat in person, you have to pay for more expensive, ie Rp 200,000 to go home.

The boat ride towards Kokas


E. Ticket

After arriving in the District of Kokas, you do not need to pay admission to the tourist destination. However, should you encounter a tour guide who will take you to the location of archaeological sites Tapurarang with a service fee of Rp 25,000 one way.

F. Accommodations and Other Facilities

Not many luxury amenities that you can get in Kokas District, but after berletih ria enjoy historical tours in Kokas, you can rest in the city of Fak-Fak is equipped with several hotels, guesthouses, also travel cot. There are dozens of hotels in the city of Fak-Fak you can try to unwind. In addition, in the city of Fak-Fak You can also enjoy the food or dish along with souvenirs typical of West Papua

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