Ragunan Zoo

Ragunan Zoo was established on 19 September 1864 in Batavia (now Jakarta) with the name "Planten en Dierentuin" was first managed by Flora and Fauna loving association Batavia (Vereniging Culture Planten en Dierentuin at Batavia) stands above .Taman 10 hectares of land in Jalan Cikini Raya No. 73 in hibahkan by Raden Saleh, famous artists in Indonesia. After Indonesia Merdeka, in 1949 the name changed into Cikini Zoo. With the development of Jakarta, Cikini be unsuitable for show animals. In 1964. During the DCI Jakarta Governor Dr. Soemarno formed the Preparatory Committee for the Development Zoo moved from Jl. Cikini Raya No. 73 to Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, chaired by DVM. T.H.E.W. Umboh. , Jakarta government donated the land area of ​​30 ha in Ragunan, Sunday Market. The distance is approximately 20 Km from the city center. Removals from Cikini Zoo Ragunan to carry more than 450 animals tail which is the last remnant of the Zoo collection Cikini.
Ragunan Zoo officially opened on June 22, 1966 by the Governor of DKI (Jakarta) Jakarta, Major General Ali Sadikin name Ragunan Zoo.
In 1974 Ragunan Zoo led by Benjamin Galstaun first director that time. In 1983 changed its name to the Agency business Ragunan Zoo. In 2001 changed again to the Office of Parks Ragunan.
The year 2009 turned into UPT (Technical Service Unit) Ragunan Zoo. In 2010 the name was changed to BLUD (Regional Public Service Board) Ragunan Zoo. Currently Ragunan Zoo broad reach 147 hectares with a collection of 2101 animals of 220 species tail wildlife.
At 2015 BLUD Ragunan Zoo changed its name to the Office business Ragunan Zoo in accordance with law No. 12 of 2014 concerning the regional Organization.

Ragunan Zoo is a zoo located in the area ragunan, Indonesia. 140 hectares zoo was founded in 1864. In it, there are various collections consisting of 295 species and 4040 specimens.
Ragunan was closed for about three weeks since 19 September 2005 to the animals in which there were infected with bird flu, but reopened on October 11, 2005.

Ragunan Zoo is very wide, not just the animals contained therein, but there are also many large plants are located in this area. This causes the temperature in this region was cooler and into a filter or an air filter for the city. This condition causes a lot of visitors, especially families, come just to look for fresh air which is increasingly difficult in the city can be in this beloved. The place is open from 09.00 until 18.00. The entrance fee for Ragunan Zoo is Rp. 4000 for adults and Rp. 3000 for children plus insurance costs Rp 500 / person. Rates are cheap enough to make visitors always booming although now many emerging new tourist attractions in Jakarta.

With the breadth of the region, the best way to look around is by the tourist train at a cost of Rp. 6500 / person for ages 3 years and above, or by using a rented bicycle managers at a cost of US $ 7500-15000 / h. If you want to relax and enjoy the area with family or group, you are free to hold the mat in every corner of this region. You can spend time in this place without hurry because the zoo facilities mosque, toilets and there are many restaurants. In addition, the area is very good for those who want to exercise on foot, because of the breadth and number of trees that shaded so that your trip will feel more relaxed and cool.

The zoo has various species of animals such as reptiles, birds, mammals, primates and others. But the condition of the animals now looks quite alarming as cages were dirty, unkempt, emaciated animals such as shortage of food or the amount of animals that are not much more. Even in some areas, many cages are left empty with no animals in it. For existing stable of animals, the number of animals has decreased compared to the past.

To attract more visitors, Ragunan Zoo now has Schmutzer Primate Center is the center of the world's largest primate conservation. To enter this place, you are required to pay an additional fee of Rp. 5000 / person, both adults and children. The place is open from 09:00 until 16:00 every day. In this place there are various kinds of primates such as apes, white monkey, orangutan, chimpanzee or gorilla were maintained well enough. On weekends or national holidays, Ragunan Zoo animals hold a variety of attractions such as climbing elephant, snake dance at an additional cost.

Zoo continually strive to keep it attracts a lot of visitors and packed more interesting by making the world a few places such as orangutans, screening of animals and so on. This should be done by the manager that this place is able to compete with other tourist attractions without compromising the needs of the animals contained therein. Besides the manager also must pay attention to the cleanliness of the cage and the animal habitat, not only the visitors' area alone. Hopefully Ragunan Zoo can continue to survive and become even better in the future because this is a good and cheap place for children to learn about animals and their lives.
