Candi Gedong Songo Semarang

Gedong Songo is a tourist spot located in the hamlet Darum, Candi Village, District Bandungan, Semarang regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Gedong Songo become one of the tourist attractions are very crowded with tourists, both local and foreign tourists. As the name implies, Gedong Songo, which means there are 9 temples scattered buildings in the complex nature tourism area is so vast and fascinating.

Gedong Songo is located on the southern slope of Mount Ungaran section with a height of about 1,200 m above sea level so the air temperature in the tourist area is quite cold (ranging between 19-27 ° C). The atmosphere is cool mountain air and free from air pollution will make pengelaman for visitors who love the beauty of nature.Besides Gedong Songo is the natural attractions also one of the historical sights in the district of Semarang that must be visited when you are on vacation or sightseeing in tourist areas Bandungan.The location between the temples of the other temples are not contiguous so it takes extra energy to a distance of hundreds of meters to be able to see the whole temples there. But do not worry, though panting breath should be easily remedied with fresh air even natural beauty can sometimes look closely at the cold fog that descends from the top of the mountain.

The tourist complex Gedong Songo is also a place to rest while watering even a shower with warm water. Precisely in the temple building and temple buildings 3 4, there is a mountain kepunden with hot springs that had the sulfur content is high enough. As information, that with flush or shower with warm water containing sulfur can treat itching and other skin diseases.

History Gedong Songo SemarangCandi Gedong Songo was first discovered by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in 1740 AD And at that time Raffles find as many as 7 pieces of the temple so that he named the Gedong Pitu, the meaning of "pitu" in Indonesian is seven.The mention Gedong Pitu last a long time until the annual thousand more. And in the years 1908 - 1911 an archaeologist from the Dutch Van Stein Callenfels back doing research again in the temple complex Gedong Pitu. In a period of three annual Callenfels find again two other temples are located not far from the temples that have previously been found to Raffles so the total totality of the temple were found to be 9 units. With the discovery of two other temples have the name changed into Pitu Gedong Gedong Songo.Restoration Gedong Gedong I and II conducted in 1928 - 1929. While the Indonesian government in 1972-1982 did a total renovation of the building Gedong Songo. Even the tourist area of ​​restoration done to date so that increasingly looks beautiful and tidy but without changing the structure of the buildings existing temple.According to the research that the Gedong Songo is the building of a Hindu cultural heritage Wangsa dynasty era of the 9th century (year 927 AD).

Mileage Gedong SongoTo get to the tourist area Gedong Songo journey takes about 40 minutes from the center of the city hustle Ambarawa with a trip dominated by the slope and the slope is very sharp. The location of this temple can also be reached in less than 10 minutes from New Bandungan beautiful sights to the road conditions when not finding bottlenecks.And below is a list of mileage to get to Gedong Songo.

Gedong Songo - Semarang City: 45 KM
Gedong Songo - City Ungaran: 25 KM
Gedong Songo - Kota Ambarawa: 15 KM
Routes to Gedong SongoRoute to the tourist area Gedong Songo can be achieved from any direction, either from the direction of Kendal, Semarang, Solo and Yogyakarta.Routes to Gedong Songo from the direction of Kendal, Jakarta, Pekalongan, Batang and surrounding areas can through from two directions. The first can choose through the junction leading to the Sumowono Kaliwungu Kendal, after the red light until the junction Boja Kendal choose the left lane, a few meters ahead there is intersection before the bridge can take the right lane toward Sumowono. After arriving in the market there is a T-junction just Sumowono straight road because the path to the right is the path to Kaloran Temanggung. After walking straight up to find POM Gasoline Palbapang, Sumowono there please take the fork in the left lane and straight up to find the tourist area of ​​Gedong Songo.Both can choose the path through the city of Semarang, follow the road to Solo and Yogyakarta, when he got there POM Gasoline Weak Abang-junction can take the right path towards Bandungan. Because highway Weak brother lined the middle then to take the path to the right can continue straight a few meters and then turn around and then turn left to enter the lane Bandungan. After arriving at the junction Bandungan take the right path for a few meters to find another T-junction and then take the path to the left and straight until POM Gasoline Sumowono Palbapang there please take the fork in the right lane and straight up to find the tourist area of ​​Gedong Songo.Routes to Gedong Songo from the direction of Magelang, Yogyakarta or Jogja direction.From Jogja follow the path to Semarang. Arriving at Ambarawa there junction located not far from the Tourism Ambarawa. At this fork (people around often refer to the junction with the name paoline) also became a hangout public transportation to get to Bandungan, then take the left lane and continue straight until you find the junction Bandungan take the path to the left and continue straight until POM Gasoline Sumowono Palbapang there please take the T-junction right lane and straight up to find the tourist area of ​​Gedong Songo.Routes to Gedong Songo from SoloUtuk towards Gedong Songo from Solo could follow the path to Semarang. Arriving at the terminal Bawen no fork in the path plih left to get to town Ambarawa. Arriving at Ambarawa there junction located not far from the Market Ambarawa. At this fork (people around often refer to the junction with the name paoline) also became a hangout public transportation to get to Bandungan, then take the path to the right and straight on until you find the junction Bandungan take the path to the left and continue straight until POM Gasoline Sumowono Palbapang there please take the T-junction right lane and straight up to find the tourist area of ​​Gedong Songo.The price of admission Gedong Songo Semarang DistrictThe price of admission Destinations Gedong Songo for adults / 5 years and above on a normal day is Rp. 6000, - for local travelers and Rp. 50.000, - for foreign tourists.

In addition to the area surrounding the temple tours by foot, visitors can also use the services of riding a horse.Here are the price of package tours Horse Gedong Songo.

Tourism Village Rp 25,000 (US $ 35,000 Tourists)
Hot Water to Rp 60,000 (US $ 70,000 Tourists)
Temple II to Rp 40,000 (US $ 50,000 Tourists)
Songo temple packet Rp 70,000 (US $ 90,000 Tourists)
Package tours and maps horse Gedong Songo more could see the picture below.

Tourist sites close to Gedong Songo

Yellow Klenting in Sumowono
Curug Seven Angels
Culinary travel know mismatched Bandungan
New Bandungan Beautiful Waterboom
Culinary tourism fishing Blater
Nature tourism and pool Bannerman Sidomukti
Monument Ambarawa
Ambarawa Railway Museum
Floating Kampoeng Ambarawa travel Swamp
Love hills Banyubiru
Appears bathing pool
Langen educational tour Tirto Appears
Taman Permai Swamp Recreation
Craft market in Central Java, and others.
Similarly, a review of the origin and route to Gedong Songo Bandungan Semarang District.
